Morristown Alliance for Culture and Commerce, a non-profit community organization conceived in 1981 is poised for growth and transformation in 2025. We are dedicated to fostering a welcoming and vibrant downtown and uptown that thrives on culture and commerce, benefiting all residents. Our vision is to create a community where people want to live, play and work.
2024 has marked a significant change for MACC. With the retirement of Tricia Follert, Morristown’s Community Development Coordinator, the MACC Board has undergone a reorganization to embark on a new chapter. Committees have been created, new policies adopted, and we are working with non-profit consultants to complete a 5-year Strategic Plan and work on budget and financial planning. In addition to welcoming new board members, we are actively recruiting individuals who represent the diverse fabric of our community, aligning with MACC’s mission.
This year besides continuing our annual events, beautification efforts, and business microgrants, we accomplished several new projects. We planted trees on the traffic island at the Noyes House, added stone bench seating at the LVRT Morristown Kiosk, and partnered with River Arts and MSI on a rail trail mural. Also, two new major initiatives have begun and will be completed in 2025. First, MACC is diligently working with town administration, the select board, and Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development to secure Downtown Designation, which will unlock funding and opportunities for both the town administration and MACC to do more. Second, MACC has begun work on redesigning its website to be a comprehensive resource for residents, tourists, and visitors. Showcasing the businesses, organizations, and activities in our town.
The MACC Board believes Morristown is currently at a unique juncture with numerous growth opportunities on the horizon. We invite you to be part of these exciting developments.
✷Join us at a MACC meeting, share your ideas, become a member of MACC, volunteer at an event.
✷Let’s make the most of this opportunity for our town.
✷Together we can!