Chair-Art-Able 2025

March 4, 2025

MACC is again sponsoring the chair-art-able public art project. The chairs will be available in early March for local creative people to get their spring painting started. MACC aims to raise public awareness of local talent, while adding public seating and walkability to our downtown.

We will have Adirondack chairs, camp chairs and small tables available for painting. These works of art will be on display at various venues for the summer and will be auctioned off at Rocktoberfest on Saturday, September 27, 2025. Funds raised support MACC’s activities, including creative and cultural programs for Morristown.

General Design Criteria – Have a Seat in Morrisville – 2025 Chair-Art-Able Project:

  • Be creative, whimsical, and artistic!
  • The chairs will be used outdoors, so at least two coats of a clear coat varnish should be applied (polyurethane or marine grade varnish) over your paint to ensure the longevity of your artwork
  • No direct label advertising or logos (product or company) allowed
  • This is a public display and all finished items must be appropriate for all audiences
  • You will be responsible for picking up your chair or table at the Morristown Town Offices in early March, and we ask that you return them no later than May 10th
  • PLEASE paint your name on the underside of the chair

Volunteering to paint a chair or table will allow you to display your talents to many people in town while beautifying our downtown. Thank you in advance for your enthusiasm and support. We are fortunate to live in a community where so many creative people donate their time and efforts to improving our downtown!

If you are interested in painting an Adirondack chair, camp chair, or table, please contact

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