Pocket Park

MACC added this beautiful bench as an addition to our pocket park in honor of Allen church. Read more about Allen Church below.

Notes to Live By 

Allen Church 

July 19, 1954 – November 5, 2021 

“If a man does not keep pace with his companions,  

perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.  

Let him step to the music which he hears, however  

measured or far away.” 

Henry David Thoreau

Sadly, we Allen Church died on Friday, November 5. Even in his last days, Allen  gave of his humor and his love of music. He will be greatly missed by countless  people all over the globe, but here in Morrisville, the loss of his presence will be  very deeply felt for the time to come. Our community is lucky to have had him 

with us for over 45 years. We, on the MACC Board, offer his family our most  sincere sympathy. And his beat goes on in our hearts.  

Below is an article written in January 2019 by Nan Carle Beauregard, MACC  Board Member.  

Allen’s passion for living in Morrisville is captivating! He states that “for the last 44  years every time I cross Route 12 from Montpelier - I just get wowed by the  beauty of the Worchester Range to the left and the Sterling Mountains straight  ahead.” From that very first sight, he knew that he and his wife Nina, would  make Morrisville their home. And home it is. The people, the place, the whole  surround sound have enabled him to live and create the space to do what he  loves. Make music. With others.  From a very early age, his mother told him that he marched to a “different  drummer” – and that he always would. He has spent a lifetime proving her right.  He hears the music of the world in his own unique way and is eager to support  others to hear their own drummer - and to step out in their own way – not a  standard way set by others – but their own way. Unique. Bold. Beautiful.  After earning his degree from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, Allen started his career teaching music in Vermont at the Brandon Training School. He  honed a special talent for working with a group of students with of a vast range of abilities. There was no question for him that each student enjoyed the sound  of music – their own and others. During those early years he came to know that  it was the little kids that made the making of music a whole lot of fun. From  Brandon he moved to Morrisville to take up the position of Music Teacher at  Stowe Elementary School. After 18 years teaching music in the Stowe school  system he lost his voice. Literally, lost his voice. Allen had to choose – teaching or  performing. He could no longer do both. He describes it as a moment of clarity.  He chose performing and started the Different Drummers String School. Throughout his life as a musician, teacher, singer and songwriter he has grown to  believe that people do the best they can – all the time. People being their best is his starting point for teaching music – helping students to be more of who they  already are – hearing their own drummer and stepping out to their own music.  He considers Morrisville to be a wonderfully diverse community – one that  exposes all of us to the full range of successes and struggles and encourages our  community to develop a greater sense of empathy for each other. Allen has  grown this understanding of each other through his Vaudeville style  performances as Alfred “Crazy” Chase, a legendary cross-dressing fiddler from  Central Vermont. Telling the story of The Return of “Crazy” Chase has been an  example of his hearing a very ‘different drummer’ and has offered him a way to  enable audiences to embrace difference where ever they find it. Himself  included.  A most challenging test for Allen to hear – and listen to - his own drummer was  presented to him two years ago when he was given a diagnosis of Stage 4  cancer. It was Bad. Very Bad. There was still so much to do. After the shock  accompanied by fear and grief he decided he had two choices. He could  either look at his life and move forward with fear and confusion or he could look  at his life and appreciate all that had gone before and is now. He chose  appreciation. Allen considers himself to be a lucky man. He has been lucky in  love, in family and in his chosen life of music. He is deeply grateful to the  students who came through the door, to the parents who trusted him with their  children, to the bands that he has played with and the audiences that come to  hear him play. Allen does not consider himself to be a religious man but he does believe in  God’s love as shown through people of faith. To date, his cancer has been  pushed back by treatment and a few miracles along the way. He can no longer  take life for granted so he lives each day doing what he loves moment by moment.  

Rest in Peace Allen ~ and Thank You. 

Creative Beautification

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Chair-Art-Able Project