Peck’s Flower Shop: Kith and Kin Interview

Name of Company: Peck’s Flower Shop

Name: Emily Locke

Location, email, phone, website: 64 Portland Street,, (802) 888- 2332,

Description of your business/work? Florist shop. We do daily deliveries for birthdays, anniversaries, just because, and for sympathy. We have lots of plants and are starting to add on some gifts, stationary, candles, cards, jewelry.

How long have you been in business? I bought this business in 2011 and it’s been here in town for 60 years.

How did you move to Morristown? I live in Johnson.

What do you like best about Morristown? I like all the interesting old buildings that people are fixing up and bringing businesses into.

What new business would you like to see move to town? I’m not really sure but I’d like it be something that is not already here and not a box store. 

What is on your wishlist for the next five years of your business/career? I’m working on growing more flowers during the summer and expanding into offering more gifts and cards. 

What was your first job? My friend Lisa’s horse farm. I did trail rides, stall mucking, and played with horses all the time which was delightful.

What was your most fun job? The one I have now. I’ve always wanted to own my own business and I love the flowers, the plants, being creative. It’s always different, you come in to work and never know what to expect. 

Favorite quote?  

If you could have dinner with one person dead or alive, who would it be and why? Denny Emerson, a horseman from southern Vermont. He was an Olympic rider, a humorous guy, and he’s the only reason I stay on Facebook.

What book did you read last? The Language of Flowers, Vanessa Diffenbaugh

Wild card? I’m starting a flower farm, growing for the 6 or 7 months of the year that we can grow flowers in this lovely state. I’m growing for my shop, to sell to Vermont’s only wholesaler, other florists, and anybody who’d like to purchase local flowers. 


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